Transportation Machine

From Electrical Age
Revision as of 16:37, 30 June 2014 by JacobCZ (talk | contribs)

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The Transportation Machine is a very useful contraption that can be used to teleport a Player and/or Entity from one Transportation Machine, to the other. Sadly, you cannot teleport betweem dimensions; but the Transportation Machine is still a very useful machine, regardless.

How to use the Transportation Machine:

Well first make sure you have two Transportation Machine's (RECIPE ABOVE). The Transportation machine requires 800v in any of the 3 "plugs". After you have given it 800v it will light up letting you know it's on. Next open the GUI and type in a name for the teleporter in the top box. After that type in a destination teleporter(Basicly the name of the other teleporter). Then use the slider and select the amount of Kilo Watts you want to use(Note: The more kW you use the faster you teleport and the faster the battery uses up.) Now hit start! And (Optional) say "Beam me up scotty!



Block type: multiblock
Powered by: Any Voltage
Requirements for operation: Nothing
Stackable: Yes (64)

Blocks in Electrical Ege

Transportation Machine

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