Powerline example
The powerline feature is coming. I can't tell when it's going to be officially released, but let's take an Overview about theese features
Poles and wires, both creating powerline, are very similar to every other cable, exept without isolation (air is an insloator) Powerline voltages can go even up to 12800V, other stats are pretty similar to HV cables, that is: U = 6.25A P = Depending on voltage (P = Vused * 6.25A) R = 0.2ohm
Pole is a multiblock, measuring 1 block wide, 4 blocks tall and 1 block in deph
Simply rightclick on two poles you want to connect! Poles rotate automaticly. In order to put voltage on poles, you need to use the Transformer Pole. It automaticly makes voltage 4x higher. While pulling voltage down from poles, transformer pole steps voltage back down, 4x higher voltage is not a problem.
Examples themselves
And finally, the examples:
Generation and Transmission
This simple example is one of millions of ways of using powerlines. I hope you see the potential.